Previous Climbs

Over the past five years (2006-2010), 3 Summits for Nepal has had some incredible success. We've had 52 different climbers join us so far, with 8 of our 10 climbs leading to the group standing on the summits of Mt. Rainier, Mt. Baker, Mt. Adams, and Mt. Hood.

Our group's Mt. Rainier success rate of 76% (56/74 successful summits) far exceeds the 50% success rate of the 9,000-10,000 climbers who attempt to reach the summit each year.

Even more importantly, we've raised over $75,000, funding the complete reconstruction of one school, the expansion of a second, $30,000 towards an orphanage in Kathmandu, and $5,000 towards the Washington State chapters of the Boys and Girls Club and Special Olympics.


Climbers: Eddie Minkoff, John Kaster, Kevin Scharpenberg, Blas Puzon, Phil Puzon, Abi Devan, Jwalant Gurung, Thomas Buerhens, Dan Buerhens, Tracy Wilson, Chris MacKay, Daniel Butts, Misha Mostov
Summits: Mt. Rainer - DC #1 (5/5 successfully summitted), Mt. Rainer - DC #2 (7/8 successfully summitted), Mt. Baker (0/4 successfully summitted)
Funds Raised: $17,000 ($15,000 to expand the Shree Bindawasini Lower Secondary School, $2,000 to UW MBA Challenge for Charity)


Climbers: Abi Devan, Jwalant Gurung, Eddie Minkoff, Nic Martin, Ananth Duggirala, Schuyler Charf, Liz Korb, Karl Hanson, Corey Englehard, Tracy Tyson, Katie Collings, Eric Ray, Kevin Scharpenberg, Darryl Russi, Kelly Voss, Nat Sahlstrom, Ben Sadler, Scott Streett, Loren Miller, Matt Markl, Maryann Moore
Summits: Mt. Rainer - DC (16/20 successfully summitted), Mt. Adams (14/14 successfully summitted)
Funds Raised: $24,000 ($22,000 to build the Shree Pathivara Primary School, $2,000 to UW MBA Challenge for Charity)


Climbers: Abi Devan, Woody Moore, Will Lana, Matt Kuffel, Len Kappenel, Ambrose Bittner, Bill Harrison, Rab Walker, Matt Markl, Jwalant Gurung, Eddie Minkoff, Kevin Scharpenberg, Scott Streett, Loren Miller, Aubrey Sneflick, Chason Hendrix, Adam Kazinski, Stephan Segal, Craig Anderson, Josh Holt
Summits: Mt. Rainier - DC (9/9 successfully summitted), Mt. Rainier - Emmons (9/9 successfully summitted), Mt. Hood (9/11 successfully summitted)
Funds Raised: $15,000 ($12,000 to the Mitrata Orphanage, $2,700 to UW MBA Challenge for Charity)


Climbers: Ambrose Bittner, Jwalant Gurung, Abi Devan, Bill Harrison, Scott Streett, Rory McLeod, Jim Sumrall, Steve Green, Will Lana, Matt Markl, Kevin Thomas, Katie Hanck, Matt Kuffel
Summits: Mt. Rainier - DC (0/13 successfully summitted)
Funds Raised: $13,000 ($13,000 to the Mitrata Orphanage)


Climbers: Ambrose Bittner, Jwalant Gurung, Abi Devan, Phil Walko, Craig Seasholes, Gary Stolz, Andy Dym, Takeshi Shirakawa, Issac Dym, Krishna Seasholes
Summits: Mt. Rainier - DC (10/10 successfully summitted)
Funds Raised: $8,000 ($8,000 to the Mitrata Orphanage)